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Monday, July 30, 2018

I need a drink...

I normally do not drink. Well, come to think of it I never drink. Two vampires have broken in and fed from me since I became the lady of Randwulf Castle. I have to find a way to keep them out.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

I can not catch a break

With all the garlic I have around the house you would think it would keep them out. This is getting out of hand! I will find a way to keep them out for ever!

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Not again!

Apparently, with all the garlic I have, it was not enough and another vampire has broken into the manor again! What do I have to do in order to keep them out?

Friday, July 20, 2018

Girls just want to have fun

After selling what I had collected I was in desperate need of some fun. Sometimes my adopted dad would let me play in the fountain when we were there selling fish. So many fun memories here at this fountain. I do miss my adopted parents.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

More residents

I am running into new people every day it seems. After realizing I did not have much time left before curfew. Thankfully I got home just in time and ran into someone new. She was dressed a bit funny but that's alright I am not one to judge.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018


Nothing says peaceful like a dark room. I was struggling to come up with the money to pay my own bills. I am just like everyone else so I and currently in the dark until I can pay my own bills.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Did not make it.

How many times am I going to pass out on the floor trying to go to bed?! I may learn and I may never learn. You never know. Too bad dad can't become solid and carry me to bed. I need a man in my life.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Mom cooking?

Apparently, Garnet felt I was working too hard and decided to make a salad for me to eat for dinner. A bit strange seeing a ghost cooking. I won't kick a gift horse in the mouth and will eat it. I am glad to have them around but I wonder why they have not moved on.